Sunday, January 27, 2008

Project Rough Draft

Evan Griffin
US History 2
Project format- Essay
Paragraph 1: Introduction
- Introduce Theme #1 & Explain: Demonstrate the evolution of the concepts of personal freedom, individual responsibility, and respect for human dignity.
Introduce supporting MCAS standards

Paragraph 2: Body #1 (USII.15)
-Analyze contribution to the start of WWII:
1-German aggression in Europe &
2-Japanese aggression in Asia.
- summarize the major battles and events of the war.

Paragraph 3: Body #2 (USII.21)
-Analyze the Cold War:
1-failure of communist economic policies,
2-U.S.- sponsored resistance to Soviet military, &
3-diplomatic initiatives contributing to ending the Cold War.

Paragraph 4: Body #3 (USII.29 & USII.31)
Analyze (compare and contrast) the presidency of:
1-Ronald Regan & 2-Bill Clinton.

Paragraph 5: Conclusion
- Tie in MCAS Standards w/ personal freedom,
individual responsibility, & respect for human dignity.
- Some sort of meaningful closing statement.

1 comment:

Justin Scott said...

Good start! I'd like to see paragraphs by Friday!