Wednesday, May 14, 2008

5/16/08 Ch. 31 HW

Theme related: Demonstrate the evolution of the concepts of personal

freedom, individual responsibility, and respect for human dignity.

Chapter 31 Section 1: Latinos and Native Americans Seek Equality
1. Improved working conditions and better treatment for farm workers:
How did they get what they wanted?
-They unionized believing that their strength would come from bargaining as a group.
-UFWOC boycotted grapes and union workers were given higher wages and other benefits.
What laws were passed?
2. Education programs for Spanish- speaking students:
How did they get what they wanted?
They demanded classes for their children in their language and cultures.
What laws were passed?
Congress enacted Bilingual Education Act: Provided funds for schools to develop bilingual and cultural heritage programs.
3. More political power:
How did they get what they wanted?
-Mexican American Political Association: Helped put Hispanics into House of Representatives and the Senate.
What laws were passed?
- no laws were passed.
Native Americans
4. Healthier, more secure lives of their own choosing:
How did they get what they wanted?
-Native American groups met in Chicago to draft the Declaration of Indian Purpose.
What laws were passed?
President Johnson established the National Council on Indian Opportunity
5. Restoration of Indian Lands, burial grounds, fishing and timber lands:
How did they get what they wanted?
-"Trail of Broken Treaties": march on Washington to protest the government's treaty violations.
What laws were passed?
-Indian Education Act
-Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act
Discussion Questions
1. Shy did the NFWA decide to organize a strike against Mount Arbor?
-It was the biggest company and gave lower wages thqan it had promised.
2. How did Chavez and Huerta try to keep the strike from being broken?
-There was a ceremony where they pledged to not break the strike.
-Huerta was checking the offices in the morning shifts.
3. Do you think that strikes and boycotts effectively promoted la Causa? Why or Why not?
- It wasn't very effective because many of the strike members were eager to go back to work that to fight for what they should be getting.