Wednesday, November 14, 2007

21-1 Critical Thinking #5

Do you think the passage of the Volstead Act and the ruling in the Scopes trial represented genuine triumphs for traditional values?

Due to changes in city life, the little effect of prohibition and the events of the Scope trials, it would seam that the Volstead act had little influence on the people over "traditional values." In the early 1920's, city's became a common living area, the three largest being New York, Chicago and Philadelphia. Foe small town migrants, they had to adapt to a world of competition and change. Common activities in the city included drinking, gambling and casual dating.
Drinking was such a common thing in the twenties that the idea of prohibition didn't even stand a chance. Although is caused the consumption of alcohol to declined, it still caused disrespect for the law and the growth of organized crime. Prohibition was what brought mobsters to the cities. The Scope trial was a fight over evolution and the role of science and religion in public schools and in American society. Steering away from traditional values, science won the trial.

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