Saturday, November 3, 2007

19-4 Critical Thinking #3&5

Why didn't the treaty of Versailles lay the foundations for a lasting


The treaty had weaknesses which eventually led to WWII. First of all the treaty humiliated Germany. This was due to it containing a war-guilt clause, which forced Germany to admit sole responsibility for starting WWI, although it was truly Austria-Hungary that started this war to control Serbia. Another factor was the Newfound USSR, formerly Russia, that was preparing to take back the territory they lost to Germany in WWI. And finally, the treaty ignored the claims of colonized people for self determination. Specifically the Vietnamese, who wanted the same political rights as the Western Nations.
Predict Germany's reaction to the treaty of Versailles. Give reasons for your predictions.

The German's obviously react in the creation of yet another war, but there are reasons behind it. One of which is their response to the War-Guilt clause of the Treaty. Germany did not feel responsible for starting the war, but simply played a major igniting role. Also because of this clause, Germany had been striped of its colonial possessions in the pacific, which might have helped them pay the reparations bill. finally, in Germany's week state, the Russians, now the USSR, decide to take back what territory they lost to the Germans. So, now, Germany is also left with an even smaller country than they had after the war had ended.

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