Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Current Event Summary 2

In the recent couple of weeks, nearing the end of September, many countries in the southern African region have been dealing with Robert Mugabe, the ruthless leader of Zimbabwe. The British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, said to fellow EU nations regarding the Europe-Africa Summit meeting that "if Mugabe's there, then Britain is not." An official on the subject said, "I think we all want a successful summit, but we are also very, very concerned about the situation in Zimbabwe."
The editor of the Herald spoke to Brown about the issue and said "Mr Brown has nothing to fear from President Mugabe but has everything to gain by engaging in civilized dialogged that will eventually lead to an agreement over the bilateral dispute between the two countries." Britain, the US, Australia and the EU accuse Mugabe's government of "committing human rights abuses". The US, and our allied countries have taken the sanctions and disagreements against Robert Mugabe and the Zimbabwean Government to a new level.
Not long after these statements, the presidency of South Africa was accused of attempting to remove Robert Mugabe from power in Zimbabwe. A statement made by the Presidency of South Africa stated that the newspaper named "The Zimbabwean" claimed "South African government has been secretly working to remove Mugabe from power." It further claimed that "The SA officials have been lobbying for sustained international pressure to bear on the Mugabe regime." The newspaper ignored this comeback.

1 comment:

Justin Scott said...

Good summary Evan - can you connect this summary to any of the history themes we discussed in class? Also, try to find news from around your region, not just one country!